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NMT Facilities Management

Shipping and Receiving

The Facilities Management's Shipping and Receiving Department serves as a central receiving site for the entire institute. The department receives and delivers between 100 and 150 packages daily from UPS, Federal Express, and other carriers; and picks up and sends out overnight packages originating on campus.

Package Pick-up

Call Shipping and Receiving before 10:00 AM at 575-835-5547 for pickup and leave a message containing the following information:

All items must be labeled and ready to ship.

Complete all paperwork (if shipping by Federal Express call 1-800-238-5355 for assistance)

Delivery Procedures

If an item is not delivered when expected, do the following:

  1. Notify the sender to reference the shipping date, expected delivery date and other tracking information.
  2. Request a tracer from the sender
  3. Enter your tracking number on the shippers website to find the current location of your package.




If your package has been delivered to NMT, but hasn't been delivered to your office, please call 575-835-5547 and leave a message with the tracking number and the pick-up information above. We will return your call as soon as possible.

Shipping and Receiving remains open during the holiday season to accommodate all holiday mail. Mail and packages will continue to be accepted, but delivery is postponed until after the first of the year. If a department is expecting a package during the holidays, Shipping and Receiving is open daily from 10 a.m. until noon for pickups.



  Shipping & Receiving Technician 575-835-5547 Facilities Management Warehouse shipping@xsdvoip.com